Regulatory Compliance For Mortgage Lenders

Regulatory Compliance for Mortgage Lenders

Regulatory Compliance For Mortgage Lenders

Course length: Approximately 60 minutes

The regulatory climate for mortgage lenders is always evolving. This course will provide you with the information you need to ensure you are in compliance with the federal laws governing mortgage lending.

Course objectives include:
• Define the laws governing integrity, privacy, customer relationships, and fair treatment in residential mortgage lending
• Describe the requirements of each law governing residential mortgage lending
• Identify the RESPA disclosures required at application on a residential mortgage loan
• Identify the disclosures required for non-TRID and adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) loans
• Explain the role of regulators in compliance

More detailed course information is available at:

Last Updated 05/2018.

Price: $63.00

If purchasing for another user, select Enroll Later from the enrollment options above.

Payment Methods

AMEX, MC, VISA and Discover

Visa, MasterCard, and American Express

Refund Policy

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